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Sheena Iyengar on ‘The Art of Choosing’

A few months ago I read and reviewed Sheena Iyengar’s recent book The Art of Choosing. It’s a great book, but if you don’t have the time to read it, you should at least take time to watch this 25 minute TED Talk, where Iyengar covers many of the points in the book.

The talk focuses mostly on the assumptions that we all have about choices and how those assumptions impact what we think.

Edited to Add: If you’re reading this through an RSS feed in a reader, the video might now show up. If you click through to the post itself you can see it. Thanks!

I have to say, Iyengar a really charming speaker and brings many of the anecdotes and experiments to life in a way that not all scientists are able to do – a quality I also noticed in the book.

Anyway, I like this video enough that I wanted to post it today rather than it getting shoved into next week’s Monday Tally. I hope you find the time to watch the video!

What are some of your assumptions about choice? What are some situations when those assumptions have been challenged?

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  • Gwen July 27, 2010, 11:57 am

    This book is sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. The problem is that I have many ahead of it in line:( I guess I need some work on my own Art of Choosing.

    • Kim July 27, 2010, 8:54 pm

      Gwen: I totally know what you mean. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by my books lately, and sometimes I think it’s because I have too many and too many options for what to read next.

  • Care July 27, 2010, 12:09 pm

    Cool! Thanks!

    • Kim July 27, 2010, 8:55 pm

      Care: Sure, you’re welcome!