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Blog Improvement Project

First of all, thank you all so much for your flexibility about BIP Week #9: Help Another Blog  — I did not expect Mr. Linky to go down, which threw everything off. It was a learning experience for me and I appreciated your flexibility. There is still at least one person who wants to participate [...]


BIP Week #9: Sign Ups!

Since the Mr. Linky on the original BIP Week #9 post is being a pain, if you are interested in partnering up for the Help Another Blog project, please sign up here. IMPORTANT! If you’ve signed up on Mr. Linky and been contacted by your partner, please do not sign up here. This is only [...]


When I think about why I love blogging, the first reason that comes to mind is the relationships I’ve built with other bloggers. So I think now is a good time to spread our blog improvement a little bit and try to help each other out. Week 9 for the Blog Improvement Project is to [...]


I am so sorry to be posting this late! I’ve been playing catch-up from the Read-a-Thon and end of the semester and an interview today and just plain forgot. I hope you’ll forgive me! Last week in the BIP we focused on trying to make our blogs more comment-friendly (wrap-up coming later this week). This [...]


Hello and welcome to BIP Week #7! I hope that Social Media Month went well for everyone. I haven’t been as social as I’d like to be — school is kicking my butt lately — but it seemed like it went well.  If you have any comments about how the last month went, feel free [...]


Thanks to everyone who submitted posts for the Social Media Carnival last week — I learned a ton from reading the posts, and I hope everyone else did too. Week 6 for the Blog Improvement Project (a long three weeks) is going to be pretty simple, trying out a new social media tool.  While I [...]


Social Media Carnival (BIP Week 5)

Thank you to everyone who submitted posts for the Blog Improvement Project Social Media Carnival. We have post on a whole variety of topics, so feel free to scroll around and learn more about social media that’s interesting for you. Some Overviews Margot at Joyfully Retired wrote an excellent post pointing out the uses of [...]


March is Social Media Month for the Blog Improvement Project, and the first task is to write about how you use a social media tool to improve your blog. I thought about writing on a bunch of different things, but finally decided to write about Delicious because it is one of the only tools I [...]


Thanks to everyone who participated in Week 4 of the BIP where we worked on blog basics. It was nice to take a little break and work on some things that I needed to do around here. I hope everyone else felt the same. Because I love alliteration, March is going to be Social Media [...]


BIP Week 4: My Updates

I got started on my BIP Week 4 projects last week, and although I’m only partially finished I thought today would be a good day for my own update. I’m in the process of updating my About Me page.  I added a section of Awards (in progress) and Communities, and am going to work on [...]