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Currently | Reinvigorated Reading

Time and Place | Just before 8 a.m., on my favorite chair in our living room. I woke up pretty early this morning, and while I’m sad to not be curled up in bed I do love a long, quite morning. Reading | It’s been a good week on the reading front — Nonfiction November has really energized me. [...]


Nonfiction November Week 1 Wrap Up

Well, it has been a week! Work and some personal commitments ate up three of my evenings, so I had to squeeze in time to get through all of the great posts linked up these week. One thing I was really excited to see is that many people reported reading more nonfiction this year than [...]


Welcome to the first week of Nonfiction November! I am excited to be your official host this week. Throughout the month, my co-hosts and I will be reading and writing about nonfiction, and encouraging other readers to join us through a series of post topics and a couple of readalongs. Our topic this week, a repeat [...]


My Nonfiction November Reading Pile

Nonfiction November is coming! While reading exclusively nonfiction isn’t part of the celebration I’m co-hosting with Leslie (Regular Rumination), Katie (Doing Dewey) and Rebecca (I’m Lost In Books), it is something I’m excited to try next month. I’ve just been feeling out of my reading groove lately, so I’m hoping a month focusing on my true love, [...]


Two years ago, my blogging friend Leslie (Regular Rumination) and I decided we wanted to focus our reading in November on nonfiction. As we talked about it, we decided to invite other bloggers to join us in celebrating nonfiction all month. Hence, Nonfiction November. Last year, Leslie and I were lucky enough to be joined [...]


Happy Spring 2015 Readathon!

This is a collection of my tweets, photos, blog posts and general updates from the Spring 2015 edition of Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon.


This week has been… long. That makes me even more excited that this Saturday is Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon, one of the best book nerd days of the entire year. The weather this week has been kind of gross and Saturday doesn’t look much better — perfect for reading. Like usual, I’ll have a post up [...]


Oh, November, You’ve gone so quickly. I’m sad about that, since talking about nonfiction all month has been so fun. The host for our final week of Nonfiction November is Katie (Doing Dewey). The purpose of this week is to look back on the month and share some of the books that caught your attention: New to [...]


It feels like November is just flying by. I can’t believe it’s already the third week of the month. Next week will be Thanksgiving and the week after that it’s already December. Craziness. The host for week three of Nonfiction November is Rebecca (I’m Lost In Books), who suggested we look at a topic that [...]


Hooray, it’s the second week of Nonfiction November! Your official host this week is Leslie (Regular Rumination), so make sure to link up your posts on her blog. Our topic this week is a repeat from last year and was probably my personal favorite week: Be The Expert/Ask the Expert/Become the Expert: Three ways to [...]