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Read-a-Thon: The Progress Post!

Happy Read-a-Thon! I woke up a little later than I wanted to this morning, so no leisurely time to make breakfast, check my e-mail, and drink some tea before getting started. C’est la vie — today is about reading, not all of those other things (well, except eating!).

Since I posted about my books and plans and goals yesterday, there’s been a slight change of plans. A colleague invited me to go see a ballet at the college tonight and I couldn’t skip that. So… I’ll be taking an extended break tonight around hours 12 to 15, but hopefully I can still get a lot of reading done.


Getting Ready for the Read-a-Thon!

Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-Thon is tomorrow and I am so excited! I went grocery shopping, cleaned the kitchen, and did my laundry and otherwise tidied up my house yesterday. Tonight after work I’m going to make some delicious baked goods (Apple and Cheddar Scones, perhaps), clean some more,  and try to get to bed early.

I got so excited that I already put my book stack together. Even though last year I only read six books, I put together a stack of 12 to choose from. I wanted to take pictures to show you, but I left my camera at work… bummer!


It’s Sunday morning, I’ve got some tea, and I am going to spend the day binging on The West Wing and recovering from reading 1,420 pages over an 18-hour span during the April 2011 Read-a-Thon.

Yesterday’s Read-a-Thon was the first time I made a concerted effort to participate for the entire event. Last October I was a reader, but I was also in Iowa hanging out with my sister and spent a lot of time not reading. And I don’t think I ever tried to read before that.


Read-a-Thon: The Progress Post

Today is the Read-a-Thon! I’m psyched! Yesterday I posted my two very ambitious book stacks, finished cleaning my apartment (except doing laundry…), and got my pile of snacks ready. I suspect I meant to do more than that, but now I can’t figure out what!

This Read-a-Thon I’m at home in Madison in my very quiet apartment. My roommate is at a conference and my boyfriend is otherwise occupied for the day. I have Hannah, my cat, and a friend might be joining me later. I’m expecting a pretty chill day.


Tomorrow is Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-Thon, and I’ve been excited about this for weeks. I decided to read only my own books tomorrow even though I have a loooong list of review books for April that I am making almost no progress on. I want to just be able to relax and not have to think to much about taking notes or what I might say reviewing the books. Plus, I have a lot of books on my shelf that I’m anxious to get to, and this seems like a good excuse.


If you want updates on my Read-a-Thon progress, visit this sticky post at the top of the page!

End of Event Meme

1. Which hour was most daunting to you? I think right around Hour 7 I was feeling tired and bogged down reading Food Fray. But then I finished and did actually read much after that since Jenny and I went out to hang with her friends.

2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year? I’m not sure any of the books I read would qualify for that, even if I enjoyed them!


Read-a-Thon: The Progress Post

Today is the Read-a-Thon! Woo! Yesterday I posted my book list and plans, read Jill’s newest song, and packed for Iowa, so I’m raring to go. My plan is to make this a sticky post with the most recent updates at the top. If I do any Mini-Challenges, they’ll be in a different post underneath this one.

Like I said yesterday, I’m couch-bound in Ames, Iowa, hanging out with my sister, Jenny, for this Read-a-Thon. Jenny has been on the blog before when we did a series of Sister’s Reviews awhile back. She’s awesome.

With that, let’s Read-a-Thon!


Getting Ready for the Read-a-Thon!

In case you haven’t heard, this weekend is Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-Thon! I inevitably miss most or all of this event every time it happens, I have no idea why, but this weekend looks promising.

Tonight after work I’m driving out to Ames, Iowa to spend the weekend with my sister, Jenny, and we have plans to Read-a-Thon for part of the day. She has homework, and I have sweet, sweet books. Plus, I’m basically couch-bound because of a sprained ankle, so some of the fun, “Let’s go walk around Ames!” activities have been sidelined.


Good Luck, Read-a-Thoners!

Unfortunately, I’m not going to get to participate in Dewey’s 24-Hour Read-a-Thon this weekend. I’m back in the Twin Cities for some volunteering and time with friends and family, so devoting a whole day to reading just wasn’t going to work. I’m excited to see family, but disappointed about the Read-a-Thon. Oh well, there’s always [...]


First of all, I have to announce the winner of my Draw-a-Comic Mini-Challenge. With 24% of the vote, the winner is The Brain Lair! Congrats, and send me an e-mail so I can get you your e-gift certificate! Every comic got at least a few votes, and the top three comics were very close. I [...]