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I'm Nationally Published!

Over the last month or so, I’ve been working on a group multimedia story for my intro reporting class.  All stories were related to the election; my group focused on chalk messages and their use as a way to express alternative points of view.  After a long, long process of writing, rewriting, editing and messing [...]


I didn’t really read much yesterday — I was having too much fun exploring Madison and staying in to watch the prime-time Wisconsin-Ohio State football game.  Sadly, the game ended in a very, very disappointing fourth quarter loss (20-17).  Top that with the Wisconsin band being indefinitely suspended for allegations of hazing, it just hasn’t [...]


Book Blogging and the Penny Press

I had an interesting lecture in “Mass Communication and Society” this afternoon that got me thinking about book blogging in a new way.   Here’s an abbreviated, and probably over-simplified, version of the lecture I heard today.  Back in the day, early 1800s, newspapers in the US cost six cents to buy.  Given that a good [...]


"The Long Fight of One-Eleven Heavy"

The first article I read for my class “Literary Aspects of Journalism” was “The Long Fall of One-Eleven Heavy” by Michael Paterniti, which was first published in Esquire magazine in 2000.  “The Long Fall of One-Eleven Heavy” is a reconstruction of the crash of Swissair flight 111 over Nova Scotia that killed 229 people on [...]

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Grad School Readings

I started classes for my masters last week, and from what I can tell the reading load is going to be prohibitive of me actually getting to read books and do reviews for my blog.  I’ve been reading a lot of interesting things — Democracy in America by Alexis de Toqueville, and The Good Citizen [...]