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One of the books that’s stuck with me since I read it in in 2011 is Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project. It’s one of those pseudo self-help books, focusing on one woman’s journey to feel happier. Ideas she posited in the book seem to come back to me at random times – recently while doing [...]


Even when life gets stressful, I’m always grateful that I am a reader. Being a reader is a part of my identity, something that I do because it’s a hobby and because I don’t feel like myself when I haven’t been reading. That got me thinking about some of my favorite things about being a [...]


Last week over at Book Riot, Andi (Estella’s Revenge) wrote about her current genre kryptonite — “novels built on brutality and personal struggle.” I was struck by her post because, as I think about it, I am nearly the exact opposite. I don’t look for happy fiction, but I seem to have a really hard time [...]


Happy Friday, friends! Today I am over a Book Journey, helping blog sit while my blogging friend Sheila is off on a cruise in Australia. Yep, I am as jealous as you are — I’m sure it is a lot warmer where she is! So, head over there to chat about how Sheila and I [...]


Since 2010, I’ve been very intentional about keeping track of all the books I read, along with some basic statistics about them. In addition to things like genre and format, I also tracked, primarily out of curiosity, author gender. As it turns out, without much intentional effort, I tend to read about equal or slightly [...]


My Experience with the Whole30 Program

One of the things that has stuck with me from Gretchen Rubin’s book The Happiness Project is the idea of moderators versus abstainers. Rubin posits that some people are happiest when they moderate their behavior by allowing small indulgences every once in awhile. Other people, however, are happier when they abstain entirely from certain things [...]


If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been in a wicked reading and blogging slump. It started at the beginning of August, held on through the entire month, and doesn’t seem to be letting up now that September has arrived. It’s been rough. Although I hate being in slumps like these, I don’t let myself feel bad [...]


I am just getting into reading more comic books, and I know I have ComiXology to thank for it. ComiXology is a “cloud-based digital comics platform” that I use to buy and read digital comics. I first started using ComiXology in April when the first three trade editions of Saga by Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona [...]


Books I Bought in August (So Far)

I was really good about not buying more books in the month or so up to our move at the beginning of the month… but then I sort of lost my mind and bought a ton of new books. In my defense, I got to visit three different bookstores when I was in the Twin [...]


This post originally appeared on Book Riot. I wrote it as I was preparing to move and, now that I’m nearing the end of the unpacking phase, I can tell you that the tip about reusable grocery bags (included in #3) is the best one in the bunch. Being a mobile book hoarder can be a challenge. [...]