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Search: one little word

Hello, 2019! Since I love making lists and setting goals, the new year is a fun time in that regard. I’m particularly keen to set some goals for this year because I actually did a pretty good job on the goals I set for 2018 — knocking them off makes me feel more confident I [...]


Currently | The Slowdown

Around Here | For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been leaning to the urge to just slow down in pretty much all areas of my life.  My sister and I hosted a big holiday party last weekend, and since then I’ve been leaning back instead of leaning in. Except at work, I guess, since [...]


After complaining that January felt like it lasted forever, February absolutely flew by. I mean, I know that’s because there are fewer days to start with, but it felt like everything in work and in life started to pick up speed this month. My reading didn’t suffer too much despite the quicker pace, but I [...]


Last year, I was not in a position to set any goals… my life was in shambles, I was grieving, and I was fighting this overwhelming feeling that goals and plans are pointless because the world can just kick you in the face at any moment. This year, things are different. I am still working [...]


Currently | Jobs, Parties, and Painting

Around Here | It’s a lazy Sunday morning here in Minnesota. My sister and I hosted a holiday party with a boozy hot chocolate bar last night, so we’re all moving a little bit slowly this morning. Reading | It’s 10 days into December and I haven’t finished a book! I got sucked into read a [...]


29 Great Things About Being 29

Tomorrow I’m turning 30. To help celebrate, I’m stealing an idea I’ve seen a few other places online, collecting 29 great things about being 29. In roughly chronological order: Sculpture Garden/Minneapolis adventures with Lindsay and Patrick – Technically, this happened while I was still 28, but I’m counting it because I count all of July [...]


One of the ways that I try to remind myself of my One Little Word for 2016, open, is to think about one of the rules of improv I remember from Tina Fey’s Bossypants – always respond to your partner with YES, AND… For Fey, the idea of YES, AND is to contribute, to show up and [...]


Currently | 80 Hours Below Zero

Briefly | Minnesota, and most of the upper Midwest, is in the middle of a cold snap. It sunk below zero Friday night, and isn’t expected to get back above zero until Tuesday morning. We’ve got the heat turned up, blankets unpacked, and are wallowing as best we can to avoid truly horrific wind chills. [...]


The Happiness of Pursuit by Chris Guillebeau first got on my radar last last year when he was interviewed on one of my favorite podcasts. Guillebeau talked about the benefits of a creative pursuit and the satisfaction you can get from a quest of some kind. At the time I was well in the middle [...]


I don’t know about you, but the new year seemed to really sneak up on me. All of a sudden it was the last week of December and and it was time for reflecting on the year and setting new goals for 2016. I was talking to one of my coworkers about this, and she [...]